Mayo Elementary School
Inclement Weather Notice
Students and parents should stay tuned to local radio and television broadcasts when dangerous or winter weather is in the area. When a school cancellation or delay decision is made, local radio and television stations are notified immediately and are the primary information outlet to the public. If a decision is reached before 9:00pm to cancel school the following day, the School Messenger call system may be utilized to notify student homes that evening.
Any decision related to school closings or delays will also be reported on the District 2 and MES webpage, District 2 and MES Facebook page and sent through the SeeSaw app.
In the event that we have inclement weather or there is the threat of inclement weather, please refer to the following:
1-Hour Delay
* Buses run 1 hour later
* Building opens at 8:00am
* Tardy bell rings at 8:40am
* Breakfast WILL be served
* Morning Math Club and Falcon Reading Club DO NOT meet
2-Hour Delay
* Buses run 2 hour later
* Building opens at 9:00am
* Tardy bell rings at 9:40am
* Hot Breakfast WILL NOT be served (cereal,
fruit, milk will be available)
* Morning Math Club and Falcon Reading Club DO NOT meet
Early Dismissal Due to Inclement Weather
• Students will go home the regular way indicated on their transportation sheet
• Please do not call the school regarding changes to your child’s transportation
• Club and other after-school activities will not be held
• Monitor local radio and TV stations, school/district webpages and school/district Facebook pages for updates
Make-Up Days
• School days missed due to inclement weather will be made up on the days designated on the district academic calendar.
• Days in excess of the designated make-up days will be addressed as needed, including adding days to the end of the school calendar.
District 2 Weather Information